Thursday, July 4, 2013

Unusual Ideas To Help You Quit Smoking

It seems like all the quit smoking advice available today is the same advice that has been circulating for years. While a lot of it is helpful, the fact is many people use it and fail when trying to quit smoking. Many people believe that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is crazy. In this article, we will present some offbeat ideas to quit smoking that may just help you kick the habit for good. Read on to learn more.

Start Off On The Right Foot 

Do not begin your quit smoking campaign when you are in a bad mood or when things are going badly. You will have more success if your life is on a fairly even keel when you quit smoking. Once you have made the decision to quit, turn your work area, car and home into smoke free zones. Do not let anyone smoke around you.

Alter your schedule and your setting to eliminate triggers from your life. If you crave a cigarette when you sit in your favorite chair and read the paper, change where you sit to change your associations. If you are used to going outside to smoke on breaks at work, take a walk instead.

Give Yourself Substitutes

Keep a stash of healthful, satisfying foods on hand to give yourself something to do with your hands and mouth when you crave a cigarette. A few good options include:

* Nuts of all kinds
* Carrot sticks
* Celery sticks
* Radishes
* Grapes

Nuts with shells and sunflower seeds that present a little challenge and keep you busy are especially good. Grapes can be frozen to provide a variety in sensation and to take a little longer to consume. You could also carry a pack of cinnamon toothpicks and some sugar-free gum with you for a quick fix when you cannot stop and have a snack.

In addition to giving yourself substitutes for cigarettes, give yourself substitutes for things that go with cigarettes. For example, if you like to smoke a cigarette and have a cup of coffee, explore the many possibilities available in herbal teas. Changing your beverage will improve your overall health and help eliminate a smoking trigger.

Be Proactive

You may have been using smoking to mask your feelings and emotions. Many people reach for a cigarette instead of expressing anger or frustration. Make a positive effort to put your thoughts and feelings into words when you feel like reaching for a cigarette.

Add positive activities to your life to take the place of smoking such as hiking, biking, walking, dancing, swimming. In fact, you can even use positive imagery to replace smoking. A British study showed that thinking about playing tennis helps smokers redirect their cravings. Playing tennis is even better!

When you feel challenged as you work on quitting smoking, just think about the times in your past when you have succeeded at overcoming obstacles. If you experience a relapse, do not worry about it. Just try again. Follow the tips presented here to quit smoking successfully.

Quit-Smoking Strategies To Help You Quit Once And For All

When it comes to quitting smoking, there are many ways to quit. Fortunately, quit-smoking products are continuously produced. Continue reading to learn of a few great methods for quitting smoking. You can utilize one or several of these strategies to assist you in quitting your smoking habit for good.

The first and most obvious way to quit is to simply quit cold turkey. Unfortunately, this is also the most difficult quitting method. Although it is possible to quit cold turkey, the vast majority of smokers simply cannot quit this way. It is going to take a ton of willpower, dedication, and intelligence to quit.

There are several tips you can utilize to quit cold turkey. For instance, you can keep a journal to write down the things that cause your triggers. Once you are aware of all your triggers, do your best to avoid them. Another tip is to replace your previous routine and start a new routine. By participating in the same routines as you did while smoking, your urges to smoke will be greater. Finally, you can keep lots of gum and mints on hand so that you can chew on them whenever you feel like smoking.

If quitting cold turkey simply does not work for you, there are other alternatives. For instance, you could try nicotine gum. This type of gum can significantly reduce your smoking urges, helping you to quit. Having said that, there are a few things you should keep in mind when using nicotine gum. First, nicotine gums have different strengths; therefore, you need to select the strength best for you. Second, you should slowly chew this gum in order to assist your body in completely absorbing the nicotine. Third, avoid eating or drinking while chewing the gum because this can reduce its effectiveness. Fourth, reduce your nicotine gum use after 12 weeks. Finally, do not use nicotine gum for more than six months, and if you still cannot give up, you need to turn to other quit-smoking strategies.

Prescription medication is another option for you. There are all kinds of medications out there; however, in order to find the best one for you, visit your doctor. Be sure you are completely honest with every question your doctor asks you because he or she will use this information to prescribe a medication to you.

Finally, consider electronic cigarettes, called e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are very similar to cigarettes in that you actually smoke them and you still obtain nicotine. However, what sets them apart from actual cigarettes is that they do not contain the harmful chemicals that harm your body. Therefore, you can smoke without worrying about your health. E-cigarettes are sold by numerous online retailers, so do your research to find the best retailer for you.

You should now be more aware of some of the available quit-smoking strategies that you can utilize to help you quit smoking. Understand that one single strategy is not right for everyone; therefore, you have to find the strategy or strategies that work best for you.

The Best Ways To Quit Smoking

There is really nothing good about smoking. It costs a fortune, causes serious illness and creates a fire hazard. Even so, once you have become addicted to smoking, it is very hard to give it up. In this article we will discuss some of the best ways to quit smoking. Read on to learn more.

Whenever you are trying to give up an addiction, it is a good idea to approach it on a short term basis. Thinking about giving up something forever can be very depressing and frightening; however, most people feel they can make it through the day. When you quit smoking just for the day, you can have success at the end of each and every day. This can be very motivating. Before you know it, the days will add up to a lifetime of nonsmoking.

There are a few smoking alternatives you can explore, such as electronic cigarettes, prescriptions drugs and nicotine delivery systems like gum, lozenges and patches. Just a little online research can provide you with a wealthy of information about all of these alternatives.

Many adult smokers have found electronic cigarettes to be a very effective and safer smoking alternative. This option has a lot of appeal because it is one you can pursue independently. You can purchase electronic cigarettes on your own without a prescription. You are in charge of style, flavor and the amount of nicotine contained in the nicotine flavor cartridge. If you want to, you can reduce the amount of nicotine to none at all and still enjoy using your electronic cigarette.

You can also buy nicotine gum on your own and use it anytime you feel like lighting up. Nicotine gum provides the nicotine you crave, but it does not provide the hand to mouth action of smoking. Many smokers miss this, so they use a pen or a toothpick or carry a fidget item like a poker chip to take the place of the cigarette in hand. As time passes and you miss smoking less and less, you can gradually transition to chewing regular gum instead of nicotine gum. This will save you money, and of course, you will no longer be a smoker.

If nicotine is the main attraction of smoking for you, you might do well with a nicotine patch. This medical alternative provides a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day. You physician can prescribe the patch in lower and lower doses until you are weaned off your nicotine addiction. While patches are pushed by the pharmaceutical industry as a great smoking alternative, the fact is most smokers find them unsatisfying.

Quit smoking drugs provide a dubious cure for smoking. In the first place, they are powerful drugs, so you are giving up an addiction in order to poison your body with something else. The side effects associated with quit smoking pharmaceuticals are dangerous and frightening and have even led to violent behavior, murder and suicide. Aside from all that, quit smoking drugs provide no smoking sensation, so smokers generally find them unsatisfying.

Once you have done your research and made your choice, the key to quitting smoking is commitment. Remember that you cannot make a commitment just once. You make it again and again each time you are tempted. Follow the tips presented here to help you quit smoking.

Quitting Smoking Step By Step

Quitting smoking is a real challenge. If you have a hard time with getting rid of this bad habit, go over the following article for a helpful step by step guide.

Start by finding a strong motivation to quit smoking. You are probably aware of all the diseases you can develop by smoking but personal reasons usually work best. Think of the things you will be able to buy with the money you will save on cigarettes. You could also remind yourself of all the things you will be able to accomplish once you are in better shape and have a great life expectancy. Make a detailed list of all your reasons and look at your list when you experience a strong craving.

Transform your lifestyle. Quitting will be easier if you find yourself in situations or places where you do not usually smoke. Perhaps you could go on a vacation to a hotel where smoking is not allowed. If you cannot go on a relaxing trip to take a break from your routine, make some changes at home. You could for instance clean your home and always go outside when you need to smoke. Stay away from all the places where you usually smoke, including your friends' houses or the designated smoking areas at work.

Reduce your smoking as much as you can if you are heavy smoker. Focus on reducing your smoking by a few cigarettes a day. Perhaps you could start by eliminating the cigarettes you smoke when you wake up or the ones you smoke after meals. You can think about quitting cold turkey once you are down to ten cigarettes a day or less. Give yourself as much time as you need to reduce your smoking little by little.

It is important to know how to manage your stress before quitting cold turkey. You should be ready to experience some strong cravings. If you give in right away, you will be likely to go back to smoking just as much as you used to. You can fight your cravings and avoid experience a lot of stress by using some very simple relaxation techniques. When you experience a craving, stop what you are doing and find a quiet spot. Listen to some relaxing music and breathe deeply. Visualizing something calm or focusing on positive thoughts should help you get over your cravings.

You can get rid of your cravings quickly by completely eliminating your exposure to nicotine and other unhealthy substances. Your body releases toxins every time you have a cigarette, drink alcohol, coffee or eat unhealthy foods. These toxins will the cause you to feel stressed and crave another cigarette. You can reduce your stress and cravings by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Get rid of the toxins already in your system by staying hydrated and sweating.

Follow these different steps to get rid of your cigarettes. If you are not successful right away, the best thing to do is to start over again with a different method.

Some Activities To Avoid When You Are Trying To Kick The Smoking Habit

If you are trying to stop smoking, you know that your mind needs to be on things that you should do in order to achieve a smoke-free life. At the same time, you should also realize that there are many things that you should not do. These things can usually cause you to slide back into a smoking pattern, or they may lead to other health problems. Read over the information in this article to learn what activities you should be sure to avoid.

Trying to quit smoking can cause a lot of stress because you are not able to satisfy your craving for nicotine. For a lot smokers who are trying to quit, they try to compensate for their nicotine craving by providing their bodies with another source of comfort, namely their favorite foods. You can see how this can impact one's health because you can overeat and gain weight. You would not want a weight problem on your hands in addition to your cigarette problems. Therefore, do not seek comfort from foods. Eat only when you are hungry. Reduce your stress not by eating, but engaging yourself in physical activities that you enjoy. This will take your mind off of cigarettes.

If you are the type that likes to drink and smoke at the same time, you may want to reduce your consumption of alcohol as well. That is because every time you indulge in alcohol, you may get the urge to light up because that you did those two things together all the time. Other bad habits may be lighting up when you are in a casino. Gambling is not such a healthy activity in itself, and if being in a casino gives you to urge to smoke, you should reduce your visits.

Being with other smokers will definitely tempt you to light up a cigarette. Avoid being around other people who smoke. Think about what kinds of activities you engage in where there are a lot of smokers around. For example, if you like to attend sporting events and there are usually people who smoke around you, you may have to reconsider attending those games. Or, if the stadium has a non-smoking section, you should get your seats there. Avoid the bar scene as well if smoking is allowed there.

When you stay away from activities that tend to trigger those cravings for a cigarette, you will get tempted less, and you will give yourself a better chance to succeed. This avoidance is only temporary and it does not mean that you have to avoid these activities forever. When you have successfully conquered your desire to smoke and your will to remain smoke-free is strong, you can safely resume those activities.

Be patient with yourself in your efforts. Feel proud of every day that you remain smoke-free. Even if you back-slide, do not be so hard on yourself. Just pick up where you left off, and renew you commitment to yourself.